
National Institute of Population Studies (NIPS)

NIPS is a premier research organization established by the Government of Pakistan since 1986 and currently, it is working under umbrella of the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination (NHSR&C). The NIPS has been mandated to act as a technical arm of the Government for undertaking high quality research and to produce evidence-based data, information for utilization by the Public sector and others agencies for policy formulation, strategic planning and making reference in the spheres of demography, population & development and health.

What we do ?

core functions of NIPS

Carry forward substantive and methodological research in the areas of population dynamics

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Conduct academic, operational research in the field of population and health.

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Human Resource Development

Carry forward substantive and methodological research in the areas of population dynamics

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Coordination and Liaison

Conduct academic, operational research in the field of population and health.

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Guiding Principles

Respect for Human Beings

Recognizing that each human being deserves respect and value ...

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Research Merit and Integrity

The research is designed and undertaken in the manners ....

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NIPS undertakes research for doing good to the society .....

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